500 off

Where are you


Are you behind of your debt payments?


What is your credit score?

300-629 Poor
630-689 Fair
690-719 Good
720-850 Excellent
Not Sure

Almost done!


Last step!


You tell us about your
financial situation

We tailor a debt relief program
that is right for you

You save money and
reduce your debt

Debt resolution negotiators work on securing settlements that help boost your savings, reduce your total payments, and resolve your debt as soon as possible. Are You Ready To Reduce Your Debt? Request a consultation with us - it’s quick and free!

Clients who make all monthly program payments typically pay approximately 68%-75% of enrolled debt (including fees) upon successful program completion. Programs range from 12-48 months. On average, Clients receive their first settlement within 4-6 months of enrollment. Not all Clients complete the program. Estimates are based on prior results and may not match your results. We cannot guarantee that your debts will be resolved for a specific amount or percentage or within a specific timeframe. We do not assume your debts, make monthly payments to creditors or provide tax, bankruptcy, accounting, legal advice or credit repair services. Program is not available in all states, fees may vary by state. The use of these services will likely adversely affect your credit. You may be subject to collections or lawsuits by creditors or collectors. Your outstanding debt may increase from the accrual of fees and interest. Read and understand all program materials prior to enrolling.

Certain types of debts are not eligible for enrollment. Some creditors are not eligible for enrollment because they do not negotiate with debt consolidation companies.

The company and its affiliates are not lenders, creditors, or debt collectors. This is not a loan. Referral arrangements with our partners make it possible for you to apply for a loan. Annual Percentage Rates provided by partners range from 5.99% to 35.99%.